Principal : Naviga : Setări Fișiere
Setări Fișiere
Fișierele de setări stochează setările pentru sistemul de operare și aplicații. Aceste fișiere nu sunt menite să fie deschise de utilizator, ci sunt modificate de aplicația corespunzătoare atunci când se schimbă preferințele programului. Fișierele de setări pot fi numite și fișiere de preferințe sau fișiere de configurare.
File Extension | Tip fișier |
.ZPF | Form•Z Preferences File |
.ZVT | Photoshop Zoomify Preset File |
.WORK | Bibble Work Queue File |
.WVE | Wondershare Filmora Project File |
.WFP | Wondershare Filmora Project File |
.WZCONFIG | WinZip Configuration File |
.WMS | Windows Media Skin |
.WORKSPACE | Adobe Bridge Workspace File |
.XCSCHEME | Xcode Scheme File |
.XTP | AutoCAD Exported Tool Palettes File |
.XDR | XML-Data Reduced File |
.VMCX | Virtual Machine Shell Information File |
.VMBA | VMware Configuration File |
.VBOX | Oracle VM VirtualBox Settings File |
.VCW | eMbedded Visual C++ Workspace File |
.VSSETTINGS | Visual Studio Settings File |
.VMX | VMware Configuration File |
.VMC | Windows Virtual Machine Configuration File |
.VIM | Vim Settings File |
.VBX6SETTINGS | VirusBarrier X6 Settings File |
.VSPROPS | Visual Studio Project Property File |
.VMAC | VMware Configuration File |
.STYLE | SketchUp Style |
.SPFX | Squeeze Presets File |
.WMZ | Compressed Windows Media Player Skin |
.SCPRESETS | Snap Converter Presets File |
.SBX | Adobe Illustrator Tsume File |
.SDLTPL | SDL Trados Studio Project Template |
.SMP | ScrapeMap File |
.STT | SPSS Table Template |
.SXCU | ShareX Custom Uploader |
.STB | AutoCAD Plot Style Table File |
.SPP | Substance Painter Project |
.SPJ | SPSS Production Job File |
.SCACFG | SuperCard Application Configuration File |
.SEQU | Adobe Acrobat Sequence File |
.STSKIN | Steam Skin File |
.STORYISTTHEME | Storyist Application Theme File |
.SKIN | ASP.NET Skin File |
.STARTUPINFO | E-Prime 2.0 Startup Info File |
.STE | Dreamweaver Site Settings File |
.SSCS | Saropa Smart Copy Script |
.SCPCFG | SuperCard Project Configuration File |
.SGT | SPSS Chart Template |
.SBS | Substance Package |
.SIF | Synfig Studio Project |
.SHH | Adobe Photoshop Shadow/Highlight Settings file |
.SOL | Flash Local Shared Object File |
.USER | Visual Studio Project User Options File |
.UTZ | UIQ Theme Package |
.TPF | SPSS Text Wizard Document |
.TVTEMPLATE | mimoLive Template |
.TVC | Turbo View & Convert Batch Presets File |
.TERMINAL | Terminal Settings File |
.TMTHEME | TextMate Theme File |
.TSI | Traktor Settings File |
.THEMEPACK | Windows 7 Theme Pack |
.TYPEIT4ME | TypeIt4Me Clippings File |
.TPARK | ThemePark Project File |
.THMX | Office 2007 Theme File |
.RDP | Remote Desktop Configuration File |
.RNX | RealPlayer Settings File |
.RPROJ | R Project |
.RTS | Royal TS Remote Connection File |
.RLL | Microsoft Resource Library |
.RESMONCFG | Resource Monitor Configuration File |
.RULESET | Visual Studio Code Analysis Rule Set File |
.RPS | 3ds Max Render Preset Settings |
.RCT | Visual Studio Resource Template |
.RDF | Resource Description Framework File |
.PROPERTIES | Java Properties File |
.PIO | Pro Tools I/O Settings File |
.PERFMONCFG | Performance Monitor Configuration File |
.PKG | Symbian Package File |
.PDLCP | PhotoDirector Lens Profile File |
.PXS | Pixelmator Shape File |
.PVS | Parallels Desktop Configuration File |
.PXLS | Pixelmator Style File |
.PROPS | Visual Studio Project Property File |
.PWS | Painter Workspace File |
.PDP | Palo Alto Software Plan Component File |
.PTG | PowerTeacher Gradebook Configuration File |
.PXB | Pixelmator Brush File |
.PAL | Painter Custom Palettes File |
.P3E | Photoshop Repousse Settings File |
.PLIST | Mac OS X Property List File |
.PS1XML | Windows PowerShell Display Configuration File |
.PSF | Photoshop Proof Settings File |
.PDADJ | PhotoDirector Preset File |
.PXG | Pixelmator Gradient File |
.NCFG | ArcGIS Explorer Configuration File |
.OSDX | Search Connector Description File |
.OTZ | OpenLP Theme File |
.NKP | Kontakt Presets File |
.PDFS | Adobe PDF Presets File |
.OLK14PREF | Outlook Preferences File |
.ONETOC2 | Microsoft OneNote Table of Contents File |
.MST | Corel Presentations Master Template File |
.MXFR | Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region File |
.MCL | Windows Media Center Link File |
.MASK | SpeedGrade Color Mask File |
.MXS | Painter Color Mixer Pad File |
.MSW | Painter Color Mixer Swatches File |
.NPFX | Norton Internet Security Firewall Settings File |
.MGTHEME | MacGourmet Theme File |
.MYCOLORS | Stardock MyColors Theme File |
.MPT | Microsoft Project Template |
.PRST | Adobe InDesign Printer Presets File |
.MAL | MadAppLauncher Configuration File |
.MOHOEXPORT | Moho Export Profile Document |
.MDP | Visual C++ 5 Workspace File |
.MOHOACTION | Moho Action Document |
.MAGIWOL | MagiWOL File |
.MOGRT | Adobe Motion Graphics Template |
.JDF | Adobe Acrobat Job Definition File |
.KSF | KMPlayer Skin File |
.PXIP | Pixelmator Image Preset |
.KYS | Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts File |
.KBD | 3ds Max Keyboard Shortcuts File |
.ICA | Citrix ICA File |
.IROS | Adobe Save For Web Settings File |
.ICM | Image Color Matching Profile |
.INMS | Adobe InDesign Menu Set File |
.INI | Windows Initialization File |
.IRS | Adobe Save For Web Settings |
.ICC | ICC Profile |
.IKF | INTUS Keyboard File |
.INF | Setup Information File |
.ITI | InterActual Skin File |
.ICST | InCopy Document Preset File |
.IDPP | Adobe InDesign Preflight Profile |
.HDT | Photoshop HDR Toning Preset File |
.PAPERS | Painter Paper Texture File |
.FXP | FX Preset File |
.FAVORITEMETADATA | Transmit Favorites Data File |
.FLT | Vue Filters File |
.FORM | PreForm Job File |
.FAN | Finale Font Annotation File |
.FXB | FX Bank File |
.PSP | Photoshop Preferences File |
.FFX | After Effects Preset File |
.FMOD | Adobe Illustrator Flattening Module |
.FDC | AutoCAD Field Catalog File |
.FRAMES | xScope Frames File |
.FVP | File Viewer Plus Batch Presets File |
.FRR | Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region Settings File |
.FTH | FileMaker Theme File |
.FTH | Foobar2000 Theme File |
.FETCHMIRROR | Fetch Mirror Document |
.FST | FL Studio State File |
.FLST | Adobe InDesign Flattener Presets File |
.GROWLTICKET | Growl Notification File |
.GPS | GenePix Settings File |
.RWSTYLE | RapidWeaver Style File |
.GXT | Grand Theft Auto Text File |
.GDIAGRAMSTYLE | OmniGraffle Diagram Style File |
.GRD | Photoshop Gradient File |
.DUCK | Cyberduck Bookmark |
.DR5 | Dramatica Story Expert Project |
.DSW | Visual C++ 6 Workspace File |
.DCP | Adobe DNG Camera Profile |
.DSF | Dramatica Pro Project |
.DCST | Adobe InDesign Document Presets File |
.DSD | AutoCAD Drawing Set Description File |
.DCL | AutoCAD Dialog Definition File |
.NJI | Nero Job Information File |
.CROP | Crick Software Options File |
.CWY | ChordWizard Style |
.CTBODYFITTING | CrazyTalk Animator Actor Fitting File |
.COMP | Fusion Composition File |
.CYBERDUCKLICENSE | Cyberduck Donation Key |
.CYBERDUCKPROFILE | Cyberduck Connection Profile |
.CBOARD | Final Cut Pro Color Board Preset |
.CPTM | Captivate Theme File |
.CSPLAN | SPSS Sampling Plan File |
.PRFPSET | Premiere Pro Effect Preset File |
.CAMP | WCS Color Appearance Model Profile File |
.CVA | HP System Software Manager Information File |
.CTB | AutoCAD Color-Based Plot Style File |
.CUS | AutoCAD Custom Dictionary File |
.CHX | AutoCAD Standards Check File |
.COSTYLE | Capture One Style File |
.COPRESET | Capture One Preset File |
.CMATE | ControllerMate File |
.CPR | Adobe Captivate Preferences File |
.CDT | CorelDRAW Image Template |
.CUIX | AutoCAD Custom User Interface File |
.CFG | Configuration File |
.CFG | MAME Configuration File |
.CLKP | Clicker Object Palette File |
.CST | Canvas Custom Set File |
.CPDX | Adobe Captivate Storyboard Project |
.CFG | LightWave Configuration File |
.CUI | Autodesk Custom Workspace File |
.CLR | Vue Color Maps File |
.CPS | Captivate Styles File |
.CONF | Unix Configuration File |
.CSAPLAN | SPSS Analysis Plan File |
.EMM | MindMaple Map |
.ENV | Vue Environment File |
.ENS | EndNote Style File |
.EAP | Adobe Photoshop Exposure File |
.EPR | Photoshop AME Preset File |
.EWPRJ | Ultiboard Layout Project |
.EMMT | MindMaple Map Template |
.CHA | Photoshop Channel Mixture |
.AIT | Adobe Illustrator Template |
.ACF | Adobe Photoshop Custom Filter File |
.ASL | Photoshop Style |
.CASE | SlipCover Case Template |
.ASE | Adobe Swatch Exchange File |
.AVS | Adobe Photoshop Variations File |
.AVS | Avid Project Preferences File |
.ACROBATSECURITYSETTINGS | Adobe Acrobat Security Settings File |
.COS | Capture One Settings File |
.AHU | Adobe Photoshop HSL File |
.AVE | Avid User File |
.AWS | AutoCAD Work Space File |
.API | Adobe Photoshop Inks File |
.AMP | Adobe Photoshop Curves Map File |
.ATN | Photoshop Actions File |
.ADO | Adobe Photoshop Duotone Options File |
.ANIMESTYLE | Anime Studio Style Document |
.AOM | After Effects Output Module |
.ASP | Adobe Color Separation Setup File |
.ASV | Adobe Photoshop Selective Color File |
.ACS2 | AIMP Skin File |
.ALV | Adobe Photoshop Levels File |
.ASEF | Adobe Swatch Exchange File |
.ACB | Adobe Photoshop Color Book File |
.ACB | AutoCAD Color Book File |
.ACT | Adobe Color Table File |
.ACS3 | AIMP Skin File |
.ARS | After Effects Render Settings File |
.ANIMEBRUSH | Anime Studio Brush Document |
.AMS | Adobe Monitor Setup File |
.ADPP | Adobe Device Profile Package |
.ACO | Adobe Photoshop Color Swatch File |
.ANTISPAM5 | Personal AntiSpam Settings File |
.AST | Adobe Color Separations Table |
.ANIMEEXPORT | Anime Studio Export Profile Document |
.AXT | Adobe Photoshop Extract File |
.AGTEMPLATE | Adobe Lightroom Template |
.C2R | Windows Media Center Click-To-Record File |
.ATC | AutoCAD Tool Catalog File |
.CMP | Windows Connection Manager Profile |
.ANIMEACTION | Anime Studio Action Document |
.AGG | AggFlow 6 Project |
.ACV | Photoshop Curves File |
.ACBL | Adobe Color Book Legacy File |
.AHS | Adobe Halftone Screen File |
.BKS | NTBackup Settings File |
.BCS | Boland Calibration Settings File |
.BSXC | BimSens Component Configuration File |
.BRUSHVARIANT | Painter Brush Variant File |
.BSXP | BimSens Project Configuration File |
.ZON | OmniPage Zone Template File |
.ZON | Collection Building Custom Zone File |
.ZAP | Zero Administration Package File |
.WPS | Translator's Workbench Project File |
.WIF | Weaving Interchange Format File |
.WFC | WinFellow Configuration File |
.WLVS | Windows Movie Maker Video Settings File |
.WME | Windows Media Encoder Session File |
.WC | Valve Hammer Configuration File |
.WCZ | Chameleon Clock Wallpaper File |
.WFW | Windows Firewall Policy File |
.XST | WebSphere Query Template |
.XVM | VMware Console Configuration File |
.XUI | Xbox 360 User Interface File |
.XCU | Configuration File |
.XLB | Module Information File |
.XCT | XVI32 Character Conversion Table File |
.XCCOLORTHEME | Xcode Color Theme File |
.XTODVD | ConvertXtoDVD Project File |
.XMS | Music Studio Project |
.XES | eManager Skins Definition |
.XUR | Xbox 360 Binary User Interface File |
.XGS | XACT Global Settings File |
.XET | eManager Process Definition |
.XEP | eManager File Packaging Information |
.XPL | LcdStudio Playlist File |
.XTREME | Winstep Xtreme Theme Pack |
.VMPL | VMware Policy File |
.VTPR | Studio Store Visualizer Project |
.VSTPRESET | VST Preset File |
.VCOMPS | V-Comp Setup File |
.VQC | Virtual CD Quick Copy File |
.X4K | XML4King Configuration File |
.VNI | Dell Webcam Central Application Configuration File |
.XEM | eManager Metered Units |
.VLT | VLC Media Player Skin File |
.VMX | Cubase Mixer Settings File |
.VSW | Visio Workspace File |
.VNC | VNC Configuration File |
.VMTM | VMware Team Data File |
.VMXF | VMware Team Member File |
.VUE | FoxPro 2.x View Settings |
.VIMRC | Vim Runtime Configuration File |
.SPF | Slingplayer Favorites File |
.VCPREF | Norton Antivirus Preferences File |
.SED | IExpress Self Extraction Directive File |
.SET | Settings File |
.SET | Document Library Property Set File |
.SRF | Steinberg Resource File |
.VPS | Virtual CD Copy Template |
.SBV | YouTube Captions File |
.SL | Software License File |
.SAV | Fortnite ClientSettings File |
.SUBLIME-SETTINGS | Sublime Text Settings File |
.SUBLIME-OPTIONS | Sublime Text Options File |
.SFO | CuteFTP Search File |
.S2QL | StarCraft 2 Unit Localization File |
.SZ | Winamp Classic Skin Download |
.SUBLIME-MENU | Sublime Text Menu File |
.XEV | eManager Auto-Update File |
.SECURITYSETTINGS | Alpha Five Security Settings File |
.S2ARR | SynthFont2 Arrangement File |
.SNX | PISnoop Workspace File |
.SSS | WindowBlinds Substyle File |
.STFX | SampleTank Effects Settings File |
.RMS | Java Application Settings File |
.RRR | Rhapzodé Resource Repository |
.RB | Rosebud Profile |
.RES | Valve Resource File |
.RCF | SonicWALL VPN Configuration File |
.PR | Source Insight Project |
.PROPDESC | Property Description |
.PSY | The Psychedelic Screen Saver Settings File |
.PRF | Director Preferences File |
.PEN | Paint Shop Pro Pen Preset File |
.PRF | FileNet eForms Form Preferences File |
.PRF | QuarkXPress Preferences File |
.PSPSCRIPT | PaintShop Pro Resource File |
.PRF | ClarisWorks Preference File |
.PRS | Batch & Print Pro Printer Settings File |
.PRX | Windows Media Profile File |
.PCTL | Kaspersky Parental Control Settings File |
.PIP | Office Personalized Settings File |
.PBS | PaintShop Pro Brush Strokes |
.P7E | EQStitch 7 Project |
.PAL | PhotoAnim Library File |
.PJS | TestComplete Project Suite File |
.PAK | Skype Language Settings Package |
.PMSETTINGS | PowerMate Settings File |
.PMJ | Pegasus Mail Configuration File |
.POLICY | Java Policy Implementation File |
.PSC1 | Windows PowerShell Console File |
.PIE | GlovePIE Controller Script |
.PPV | Pocket PowerPoint Presentation |
.NVP | NVivo for Windows Project |
.PLS | PicoLog Settings File |
.NSX | AppStudio Project |
.QF | Nokia Maps Version File |
.PTF | PSP Theme File |
.NL | Natron Layout File |
.PQ | Picturesque Preset |
.NDC | Personal Communications Settings File |
.NTS | Lotus Notes Traveler Server Config File |
.OBI | Outlook RSS Subscription File |
.OIS | Origin Analyses Theme File |
.OIF | Origin Import Filter File |
.OPTS | Linux Configuration Options File |
.OTMU | Origin Unicode Matrix Template |
.OTM | Origin Matrix Template |
.OTWU | Origin Unicode Workbook Template |
.OMS | HP Printer Substrate Presets Package File |
.OFP | Origin Function Plot Theme File |
.OFFICEUI | Microsoft Office UI Customization File |
.OSS | Microsoft Outlook Saved Search File |
.OTH | Origin Graph Theme File |
.OBT | Openbox Theme File |
.ODT | Origin Dialog Theme File |
.QVT | QlikView Theme File |
.ONETOC | Microsoft OneNote Table of Contents File |
.OTW | Origin Workbook Template |
.OVPN | OpenVPN Configuration File |
.OTP | Origin Graph Template |
.OCE | Open Catalog Extension Connection File |
.OTPU | Origin Unicode Graph Template |
.ODC | Office Data Connection File |
.MST | Windows Installer Setup Transform File |
.MOTR | Apple Motion Transition Project Template |
.MOEF | Apple Motion Effect Project Template |
.OEM | OEM Setup File |
.MNU | TomTom Menu File |
.OPTIONS | SE-SOFT Configuration File |
.MCW | Monitor Calibration Wizard File |
.PROFILE | Citrix Application Profile |
.QDF | Quadro Design File |
.MAKE | Drush Makefile |
.MAILHOST | MSN Mailhost Settings File |
.MTF | Motorola Theme File |
.ND | QuickBooks Network Data File |
.MSN | Host Blocking File |
.MCOLOR | Mine-imator Interface Color File |
.MOTN | Apple Motion Generator Project Template |
.M2S | Maxthon 2 Browser Skin File |
.MATERIAL | Rigs of Rods Texture Reference File |
.MPDCONF | Music Player Daemon File |
.QAT | Microsoft Office Quick Access Toolbar File |
.Q5Q | SuperBladePro Presets File |
.MGK | ImageMagick Configuration File |
.MSH1XML | Monad Display Configuration File |
.MMP | Symbian Project Specification File |
.MSKN | MediaMonkey Skin File |
.MXSKIN | Maxthon Skin File |
.NWV | Dragon NaturallySpeaking User Archive |
.MOF | Managed Object Format File |
.MIND | MindMeister Map File |
.MULIB | Muse Library File |
.MSM | Windows Installer Merge Module |
.MOTI | Apple Motion Title Project Template |
.QVPP | QlikView Extension Properties Page File |
.NP4 | NetPoint 4 Schedule File |
.MDS | TestComplete Project File |
.MOHOBRUSH | Moho Action Document |
.MNU | AutoCAD Interface Layout File |
.MNU | Adobe Photoshop Menu Customization File |
.MOHOSTYLE | Moho Style Document |
.MXCS | Mandelbrot Explorer Color Scheme File |
.MNS | AutoCAD Interface Settings File |
.OPS | Office Profile Settings File |
.MPW | Microsoft Project Workspace File |
.JOY | CryENGINE Facial Editor Joystick File |
.JAP | jAlbum Project Settings File |
.JKM | JAWS Key Map File |
.JSF | Project64 Joystick File |
.PREF | Macintosh Preferences File |
.PREF | Preferences File |
.TWC | TTWin Configuration File |
.KEY | Keyboard Definition File |
.KDS | KD Player Skin File |
.KUIP | Kingsoft Office Personalization File |
.JWS | Java Workspace Settings File |
.ITT | IconTweaker Theme File |
.ICD | Installable Client Driver File |
.ISS | Inno Setup Script |
.ISS | InstallShield Silent Response File |
.QRC | Qt Resource Collection File |
.IPYNB | Jupyter Notebook |
.INJB | InDesign Job Bag File |
.IIT | Install Creator Project File |
.QSS | Qt Style Sheet |
.IDDX | Static Default File |
.KYB | Keyboard Layout |
.IX | dtSearch Index File |
.IPCC | iPhone Carrier Bundle |
.INI | Gravis UltraSound Bank Setup File |
.INI | Symbian OS Configuration File |
.IAF | Outlook Internet Account File |
.INS | Internet Settings File |
.IHW | IN-HEH Timeline Workspace |
.IPF | PCAN-Explorer Panel File |
.ICURSORFX | iCursor Effect File |
.IIP | ThinAnywhere Configuration File |
.IIP | Install Creator Pro Project File |
.IKMP | IK Multimedia Preset FIle |
.IGR | Quest3D Channel Group Layout File |
.HME | Windows Mobile Theme File |
.ISP | IIS Internet Service Provider Settings |
.H2P | Zebra2 Preset |
.HT | HyperTerminal Session File |
.HOW2 | Visma Performit Player Configuration File |
.HID | Sony Ericsson Remote Settings File |
.HPR | Internal RoboHelp File |
.IMMODULES | GTK+ Module File |
.FTPQUOTA | Ftpquota File |
.FD | LaTeX Font Definition File |
.PH | AOL Phone Home Settings File |
.FAT | Zinf Theme File |
.FT | Edgecam Feature Template |
.QTP | QuickTime Preferences File |
.GMW | Global Mapper Workspace File |
.GPS | GOM Player Skin File |
.GQSX | Microsoft Office SmartArt Styles File |
.Q9Q | BladePro Presets File |
.Q2D | Quick 3D Cover Design File |
.GCSX | Microsoft Office SmartArt Color File |
.NPS | Natron Node Presets File |
.GTKRC | GTK+ Theme File |
.NVC | Nikon Vignette Correction File |
.GIN | GEMS Engine Control Unit File |
.GWS | GeoMedia GeoWorkspace File |
.GVIMRC | GVim Runtime Configuration File |
.DS_STORE | Mac OS X Folder Settings File |
.DVTCOLORTHEME | Xcode Color Theme File |
.PRM | Parameter File |
.DBG | Visual FoxPro Debugger Configuration File |
.DXLS | DashXL Skin Set File |
.DIRECTORY | KDE Folder View Properties File |
.DFT | eJuice Me Up Default Settings File |
.DPS | DivX Player 2 Skin File |
.DOK | DesktopOK Icons Layout File |
.DBB | Skype User Information File |
.DEFT | Juice Grinder Defaults File |
.DOWNLOADHOST | MSN Download Settings File |
.DOLPHINVIEW | Dolphin Folder View Settings File |
.DTSCONFIG | SSIS Package Configuration File |
.DSC | Kingsoft Design Science Equation File |
.DAR | DVD Architect Project |
.DDF | Diamond Directive File |
.DUN | Dial Up Network File |
.DXP | Dexpot Profile File |
.NTC | Camera Control Pro Custom Curves File |
.CAP | PASCO Capstone Experiment File |
.CPX | Oracle ADF Binding Context File |
.CEX | SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault Export File |
.CLG | Windows Catalog File |
.CDP | Sony CD Architect Project |
.COLOURSCHEME | Speedy Browser Colour Scheme File |
.CON | COW System Settings File |
.CIS | CheckInbox Settings File |
.CONTROLS | OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts File |
.CENON | Cenon Project |
.PRO5TEMPLATE | ProPresenter 5 Template |
.CWF | CorelDRAW Workspace File |
.CXP | FMAT Assay File |
.CM | Cable Modem Configuration File |
.NPT | NetPoint Schedule File |
.CFG | Celestia Configuration File |
.NGRR | Guitar Rig Preset |
.CGR | Quest3D Channel Group File |
.PHB | PhtotoBase Album File |
.GID | Windows Help Global Index File |
.DSX | DAZ Studio XML File |
.CSG | CounterSketch Design Project |
.CNF | MySQL Configuration File |
.CLR | CryptLoad Router Information File |
.CTF | PSP Custom Theme File |
.CONF | Generic Configuration File |
.PBP | PulseBoy Project |
.EV3 | Everlock Options File |
.EFTX | Office 2007 Theme Effect File |
.EYETVP | EyeTV Recording Metadata File |
.ENZ | EndNote Connection File |
.EXPORTEDUI | Microsoft Office Exported UI Customization File |
.ENP | EndNote Preferences File |
.ECFG | ArcGIS Component Configuration File |
.EHI | HTTP Injector Config File |
.EQL | MathType Settings |
.PMC | Performance Monitor Counter File |
.EYETVSCHED | EyeTV Schedule File |
.EXAMPLE | Example Configuration File |
.ELM | Office Theme File |
.EXP | SonicWALL Preference File |
.EQP | MathType Preferences |
.ETFF | Encrypt4all Theme File |
.A2THEME | Aston 2 Theme File |
.EXE4J | Exe4j Configuration File |
.CSKIN | CD Art Display Skin File |
.AVS | AVS Preset File |
.APPREF-MS | Microsoft Application Reference File |
.ARG | AutoCAD Profile |
.ARL | AOL Organizer File |
.SCONF | Script Settings File |
.SEESTYLE | Coda Style Sheet File |
.SETTINGS | Visual Studio Settings File |
.XWK | Crosstalk Communicator Keyboard Mapping File |
.SUBLIME-THEME | Sublime Text Theme File |
.SETTINGCONTENT-MS | Windows Settings File |
.STD | PROMT Translator Document |
.SKI | Motorola Phone Skin File |
.SKIN | InstallShield Skin File |
.SKN | Avant Browser Skin File |
.SRS | Outlook Send/Receive Settings File |
.SW2 | Softwrap License File |
.SYNW-PROJ | SynWrite Project |
.SSL2 | Sunlight ScanLibrary 2 File |
.SSL | Sunlight ScanLibrary File |
.STF | Microsoft Setup Table File |
.STY | Aegisub Subtitle Styles File |
.S2ML | StarCraft 2 Map Localization File |
.SIF | Windows Setup Information File |
.SMT | Samsung Theme File |
.STIP | SampleTank User Preset Instrument |
.S2QH | StarCraft 2 Localization Header File |
.SKZ | SuperKaramba Theme |
.UDCX | Universal Data Connection File |
.UGR | Apophysis Ultra Fractal Gradient File |
.UPF | MicroStation User Preferences File |
.USERPROFILE | Norton AntiVirus User Profile File |
.UIS | WindowBlinds User Interface Specification |
.USF | EVGA Precision X Skin File |
.TEE | TeeChart Template |
.TGW | Terragen World File |
.THE | Microsoft Plus! Theme File |
.TPL | TatukGIS Editor Print Template File |
.TPL | Adobe Photoshop Tool Presets File |
.TCLS | TestComplete Configuration File |
.THEME | GTK Theme Index File |
.THEME | Comodo Theme File |
.TST | TagScanner Text Transform Script |
.TFX | Pro Tools Eleven Rack Plugin Preset File |
.TIM | Vixen Timed Sequence File |
.TSM | TwinCAT System Manager Configuration File |
.TTS | ToolBook Translation System File |
.TDF | Title Definition Format File |
.T3D | TicTacTi Advertisement Definition File |
.TCCFGEXTENDER | TestComplete Project Suite Settings File |
.TRX | PASSOLO Translation List File |
.TLL | LG TV Link-Loader File |
.TLO | SPSS TableLooks File |
.RASKINPLACE | Raskin Place Layout File |
.TSZ | Trillian Skin File |
.RB4 | RobotWorks Parameters File |
.RTI | Raster Music Tracker Instrument File |
.RPV | RealPlayer Visualization File |
.RDI | Red Dragon ISecure Settings File |
.RAD | Citrix Rapid Application Delivery File |
.RDO | Xerox Rawster Document Object File |
.REG | Registration Information File |
.RHR | Script Rehearser Script File |
.RPB | Radmin Phonebook File |
.RDW | Real-DRAW Project File |
.UCT | UC Browser Theme File |
.RMSKIN | Rainmeter Skin File |
.ASWCS | Avast! Compressed Skin File |
.AIU | Advanced Installer Updates Configuration File |
.A7P | Authorware 7 Project |
.ABS | TurboZIP Auto Compress Script |
.ABS | Avant Browser Skin File |
.AXP | CDBurnerXP Audio Compilation File |
.ACELIVE | Acelive Broadcast File |
.A7D | Authorware 7 Model |
.A7L | Authorware 7 Library |
.ALL | Java RMI Policy File |
.ASW | ACDSee Slideshow Wizard File |
.AIP | Actual Installer Project |
.AIP | Advanced Installer Project |
.A2M | TS-AudioToMIDI Settings File |
.ARP | Advanced RAR Password Recovery Setup |
.AOIS | CFS Console Add-on Installer Settings File |
.ACW | Windows Accessibility Wizard File |
.APPLICATION | ClickOnce Deployment Manifest File |
.PROFIMAIL | ProfiMail Settings File |
.AWCAV | ActiveWorlds Custom Avatar File |
.AEA | Ae Timer Alarm Document |
.ASWS | Avast! Skin File |
.AMGP | antimicro Profile File |
.ATF | Photoshop Transfer Function File |
.AIA | Adobe Illustrator Action File |
.ALX | BlackBerry Application Loader XML File |
.ATZ | Aston Compiled Theme |
.AGG | Autograph Graph FIle |
.ATH | Alienware AlienFX Theme File |
.AUX | LaTeX Auxiliary File |
.AUTOSAVE.CDP | Sony CD Architect Project Autosave File |
.3DZ | Easy 3D Creator Project |
.3DL | 3D Lookup Table File |
.AHL | eMule Metadata File |
.256 | Descent 2 Color Palette File |
.CSF | Adobe Color Settings File |
.EUM | Enterprise User Monitor Configuration File |
.BCP | Batch Compiler Preset File |
.BCP | BlackMagic Custom Palette |
.BIN | BlackBerry IT Policy File |
.BCS | Batch Compiler Specification File |
.BOOT | InstallShield Boot File |
.BGI | BgInfo Configuration File |
.BS7 | Windows 7 Boot Updater Skin |
.BITPIM | BitPim Configuration File |
.BCMX | Business Contact Manager Customization |
.BRG | ProjectWise User Settings File |
.BLOB | Valve Steam Archive |
.BXX | BS Contact Parameter File |
.BAU | Apache OpenOffice AutoText File |
.ZPI | PDF Converter Index File |
.WCX | RemoteApp and Desktop Connections Configuration File |
.WPP | WordPerfect Color Palette |
.XLB | Excel Toolbars File |
.XPADDERCONTROLLER | Xpadder Controller Profile |
.VMT | VMware Configuration File |
.VPH | VirtualPhotographer Custom Settings |
.SKN | Symbian OS Skin File |
.SSIS | ProReveal Settings File |
.SLT | Mozilla User Profile Folder |
.STC | Siemens Theme File |
.SQD | Configuration Settings File |
.SSS | Coda Style Sheet File |
.FCC | Forms Credential Collector File |
.FBT | ABBYY FineReader Document Options File |
.FC | FirstClass Settings File |
.FMP | AutoCAD Font Map File |
.FRC | Mandelbrot Explorer Color Settings File |
.FE_LAUNCH | FCS Express Launch File |
.FNC | Frogans Player Network Certificate |
.FLP | FlipAnim Project |
.FM3 | Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Format File |
.FTP | FlashFXP XML File |
.PFS | PhotoFiltre Studio Saved Selection File |
.FMT | FoxPro Format File |
.FLW | Fusion Flow File |
.FEV | FLAMES Environment Variable File |
.MSF | Miranda IM Skin File |
.FCP | FontCreator Project |
.FWT | FacetWin Configuration File |
.SCH | Strater Scheme File |
.TSK | Pocket PC Skin |
.RPK | RadLight Media Player Skin |
.RFQ | RoboForm SearchCard File |
.RDR | Remote Desktop Manager Report Settings File |
.RML | FTG Configuration File |
.P2M | PhotoWorks Appearance File |
.PC3 | AutoCAD Plotter Configuration File |
.PGP | AutoCAD Program Parameters File |
.PRF | Outlook Profile File |
.PTP | Pro Tools Preferences File |
.PMP | AutoCAD Plot Model Parameter File |
.PRA | Windows Media 9 Plug-in Profile File |
.PML | Pyre Properties File |
.WFC | Windows Wireless Network Settings File |
.QPX | Quattro Pro QuickColumn Settings File |
.OPT | Options File |
.MMDC | MediaMonkey Device Configuration File |
.MGM | MGCSoft Equation Illustrator Macro |
.MLK | MasterCook Look File |
.IDF | MIDI Instrument Definition File |
.GTP | GNOME Theme Package File |
.DRM | Cubase Drum Map File |
.DICPROOF | Microsoft Dictionary Proofing File |
.DINFO | DivX Temporary Video Info File |
.DPV | Siemens NX Drafting Standard File |
.CHL | WinFast PVR2 Channel List |
.CPG | ESRI Code Page File |
.CPF | Cab Provisioning Format File |
.CF | Sendmail Configuration File |
.CMMTHEME | CleanMyMac Theme File |
.CFG | Citrix Server Connection File |
.CNF | Telnet Configuration File |
.ENV | WordPerfect Environment |
.EQF | Winamp Equalizer Preset File |
.ASK | Ableton Live Skin File |
.ACRODATA | Acrobat Data File |
.8ST | 8start Launcher File |
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